In 2017, the Uday Kotak Committee had recommended a host of norms and measures on corporate governance. One of the norms proposed was Separation of Roles of CMD i.e. Chairman and MD/CEO at listed firms should be separate and chairmanship should be limited to only non-executive directors. (w.e.f. April 1, 2022 for top 500 listed companies ). Listed entities were initially required to separate the roles of chairperson and MD/CEO from April 1, 2020 onwards. However, based on industry representations, an additional time period of two years was given for compliance.
Which among the following is a goal of landscaping?
Where is the ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture located?
The most commonly used breeding scheme is:
A series of transverse depressions on the cuticle of nematode is:
The amount of biomass produced by a crop per unit of water used is called as ___
Which of the following mycoherbicide is used to control dodder?
In north India, sugarcane is mostly used with how many buds?
One acre is equivalent to
Summer diapause is known as
Genetic Male Sterility (GMS) is caused by