Section 112A provides for long-term capital gains tax on the sale of listed equity shares, equity-oriented mutual funds and business trust. The rate of long-term capital gains tax on these listed securities is 10% for gains exceeding the threshold of Rs 1 lakh. Section 112A was inserted by the Finance Act 2018 to tax long-term capital gains from the sale of listed equity shares, units of equity-oriented mutual funds and units of business trust. Earlier, section 10(38) allowed a capital gains exemption from the sale of listed equity shares, units of mutual fund and business trust. Section 48 deals with method of computing capital gain.
Mona said to Milkman, “Did you buy milk?”
The proposed (A) changes envisages (B) closer interaction (C) between the committee and local authorities (D) and police to keep the dam safe a...
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He is showing signs of senility .
A Government by the Rich
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