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In October 2021, Sebi allowed the launch of a silver exchange-traded fund (ETF) by fund houses in line with Gold ETFs. Small investors will be able to be benefitted from the silver exchange-traded funds. They wouldn’t have to face purity issues or physical holding risks and will have higher liquidity as it will be easier to buy and sell silver ETFs as and when required.
Identify the word that is misspelt.
Alimony paid in a live-in relationship.
choose the option which represents a pair of either synonyms or antonyms.
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word .
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word in bold
All of us in today’s world are wanting to be _________ by the society.
“_________ it or leave “,said the boss in an aggressive ...
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.