In October 2021, Sebi allowed the launch of a silver exchange-traded fund (ETF) by fund houses in line with Gold ETFs. Small investors will be able to be benefitted from the silver exchange-traded funds. They wouldn’t have to face purity issues or physical holding risks and will have higher liquidity as it will be easier to buy and sell silver ETFs as and when required.
A sudden demand for tamarind seeds ________ in the market.
We often ___________ the two concepts of audit responsibility and account responsibility.
________ hard you may try, you cannot compete with him.
This is the first economic survey after the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was ________ last year.
(A) discussed (B) implemented...
1) loss
2) profits
3) losses
4) fall
5) rise
Which preposition can fill in the following sentence?
Have you ever been to a concert _____ your favorite band?
The outcome of the meeting was beyond what we expected as it _______________positive result in the form of an assurance that the ______________proposals...
Fill in the blanks using appropriate forms of the words given in brackets from the choices given below them.
The articles began with some ____...
Over the years, Mr. Mukherjee _____ acquired a formidable _____ .
But some of the works have a softer edge, and these still-mysterious iconic works ___________ a land of vaudevillian conjuring and a world of wonders.