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Unsystematic risk is the risk related to a particular company and this type of risk which can be eliminated by the investor through diversification of its investment, However systematic risk is market risk which includes Interest rate change, Inflation, Policy change etc. and is un-diversifiable and is measured through the Beta of the stock in the CAPM model. An investor undertakes risk by investing in the stock of a company in expectation of higher return. Higher risk is associated with greater probability of higher return and lower risk with a greater probability of smaller return. This trade-off is assumed by CAPM model also in the cost of equity.
Given below are a few sentences with four emboldened words in each. The words may or may not be in their correct position. Below the sentences are pro...
Area under cotton cultivation in Tamil Nadu(P) as farmers harvesting cotton now (Q) is likely to fall next sowing season(R)...
A. short of money and almost broke
B. we had to borrow money from
C. no credit cards, cash or even any identification
D. my grandp...
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
A: He became rich and built on their father's business...
1. I mean,
P. turtles living in lakes
Q. efforts are kind
R. and all, but there are fresh water
S. I think your
6.all around the world.
1. The government of India has embarked
P. the people to choose their actual
Q. election in Jammu and Kashmir to allow
R. on a cons...
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order. A. The prehistoric ring of standing stones at this site is ...
Select the most appropriate sequence from the given options to make a meaningful paragraph from jumbled sentences.
A. They appeared to be posi...
A. The other day we entered the city’s only Jewish cemetery.
B. But then, it should not be a surprise.
C. We were astonished to discover...
A. feelings of insecurity and open up
B. to stop focusing on my
C. I sat there with my friends
D. it took a fire for me