Gross tax revenue for the 2020-21 period has been reported to the tune of Rs.22.7 lakh crore. Among the significant increase in this year’s budget estimates, corporate taxes are estimated to be around Rs.6.21 lakh crore compared to Rs.5.39 lakh crore in the previous year estimate.
Who is known as “Land of thunderbolts”?
By which year has the Uttarakhand government set the goal of making Uttarakhand a drug-free state?
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Certificate of Deposits are negotiable and therefore also attracts stamp duty
B. Certific...
Who held the position of India's first Deputy Prime Minister?
How many digital banks will India aim to establish by 2025 as part of the government’s initiative to boost financial inclusion?
Who among the following was the Vice President of the Interim Government formed by Congress in 1946?
Who among the following played the leading lady in the film 'Mission Mangal' that tells the dramatic true story of the women behind India's first missio...
Tugela Falls, noted for its scenic beauty, is located in which country?
Who became the winner of Lance Pannell-Pacific International Snooker Championship 2022?
Which island holds the title of being the largest in the world?