Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) digital rupee — the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) — may be introduced in phases beginning with wholesale businesses in the current financial year. In her Budget speech on February 1, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had said that the central bank would launch the CBDC in the financial year 2022-23. According to the RBI, “CBDC is the legal tender issued by a central bank in a digital form. It is the same as a fiat currency and is exchangeable one-to-one with the fiat currency. Only its form is different”. The digital fiat currency or CBDC can be transacted using wallets backed by blockchain. Though the concept of CBDCs was directly inspired by Bitcoin, it is different from decentralised virtual currencies and crypto assets, which are not issued by the state and lack the ‘legal tender’ status.
A is 4 years older than B while C is 5 years younger than B. The ratio of age of A, 7 years hence and age of B, 6 years ago is 3:2. What was age of C, 1...
Ratio of ages of father and son is 3 : 1. The product of their ages is 147. What is the sum of their ages?
8 years ago, the ratio of the ages of Kim and Lee was 7:5. The present age of Ron is 15 years more than one-fourth of Lee’s present age. Find Ron's pr...
A group of 7 friends had an average age of 24 years. When two new friends join the group, the average age of the group increases to 26 years. If the age...
‘A’ is 5 years younger than ‘B’ and 6 years elder than ‘C’. If the present age of ‘B’ and ‘D’ is 35 years and 20 years, respectively...
The current age of Sumit is 150% greater than Mohit's current age, while Punit's current age is double (100% more than) Mohit's current age. If the comb...
The ages of A, B and C are in the ratio 5:6:8 and the sum of their ages is 76. Find the ratio of 10 years ago B’s age to C’s age after 10 years.
...The edge length of a regular tetrahedron is 10 cm. What is its volume?
The current age ratio of 'Ganesh', 'Hitesh', and 'Indira' is 5:7:6. In 8 years, the ratio of the ages of 'Ganesh' and 'Hitesh' wi...
A's age is 75% greater than B's age. The age difference between C and D is 24 years. The average age of A, B, C, and D is 60.75 y...