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The National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP) estimates an aggregate monetization potential of Rs 6 lakh crores through core assets of the Central Government, over a period of four years from FY 2022 to FY 2025. NITI Aayog has developed the pipeline, in consultation with infrastructure line ministries, based on the mandate for ‘Asset Monetisation’ under Union Budget 2021-22. It aims to unlock value in brownfield projects by engaging the private sector.The revenue rights will be transferred to them but not ownership in the projects. The funds generated will be used for infrastructure creation across the country
How many persons sit between A and C ?
If all the persons are arranged in alphabetical order in the clockwise direction with respect to A, then how many persons remain unchanged in their pos...
In a code language, 65742 is coded as 74833. What will be the code for 87385 in that language?
In which of the following statement the third person faces the one who sits exactly between the first and the second person in the following arrangement...
Six students Mani, Nisha, Ojas, Parth, Qasim, and Riya are sitting on the classroom bench facing towards the blackboard. Mani is sitting between Parth a...
Which pair of persons are sitting at the corner and facing each other?
How many persons sit between H and D when counted from the right of D?
Who is sitting between Garima and Ruchi?
How many persons sit between P and O?
Who is sitting third to the left of E?