Reserve Bank of India said that it will call a special meeting of its Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) soon explaining the reasons for the average retail inflation remaining above the upper tolerance limit of 6% for three consecutive quarters. Constituted by RBI under section 45ZB of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Act, 1934. Chaired by the Governor of RBI. Mission: Fixing the benchmark policy interest rate (repo rate) to restrain inflation within the particular target level (2% to 6%). MPC conducts meetings at least 4 times a year. The monetary policy is published after every meeting with each member explaining his opinions.
Why did that officer neglect his duties?
Sheena said to her,” Who are you and where are you coming from?”
A little boy
P- and said that they were
Q- came begging
R- starving at home
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
The old man has been cheated by the seller.
That book contains many interesting stories.
I wanted to visit the art museum , but it was closed for maintenance unless next month.
Feelings of guilt or regret
The lovely main
P- bars and restaurants.
Q- coffee houses,
R- street is packed with
1) Pictureque
2) Costomary
3) Descendant
4) Benovolent