ADB in its report released on Annual Procurement, ranked WAPCOS as Top amongst Consulting Services Firm in Water and other Infrastructure Sectors, with highest sanctioned financed amount. WAPCOS figured amongst the Top 3 Consultants from India involved in Consulting Services Contracts under ADB Loan, Grant and Technical Assistance Projects in Energy, Transport and Water & other Urban Infrastructure Sectors. WAPCOS is a leading technology driven Consultancy and Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) organization in the fields of Water Resources, Power and Infrastructure Development. The Company has successfully completed/on-going consultancy assignments in more than 51 Countries covering Asia, Africa, CIS, Pacific Islands and South America.
Sharma Uncle said to my father , “It has been raining heavily and I cannot go.”
His speech was articulate and well-delivered.
Malice - Actions done with 'malice' have no good intention.
Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
1) The first
2) balloon assent
3) was in 1783
4) in Canada
5) No error
Belonging to or occurring in the present
a situation where there is a lack of resources or necessities
Find the appropriate answer.