RBI launched Utkarsh 2.0, the second phase of the central bank’s medium-term strategy for strengthening regulatory and supervisory mechanism. Utkarsh 2.0 harnesses the strengths of Utkarsh 2022 by retaining the six Vision statements as well as Core Purpose, Values, and Mission statement. The first strategy framework (Utkarsh 2022) covering the period 2019-2022 was launched in July 2019. It became a medium-term strategy document guiding the Bank’s progress towards realization of the identified milestones. The six vision statements are excellence in performance of its statutory and other functions, strengthened trust of citizens and institutions in the RBI, enhanced relevance and significance in national and global roles, transparent, accountable and ethics-driven internal governance, best-in-class and environment-friendly digital and physical infrastructure, and innovative, dynamic and skilled human resources will guide the strategy.
Assel , a bird that was born to fight, is the breed of ?
Highest SNF content is found in which animal milk?
Husk as drug is the economic part of which of the following plants
The difference between the price paid by the consumer and the price received by the farmer is
Hard, thorny structures which protect the buds of woody plants during winter, are termed as:
Buttoning is the problem in which of the following crops
Optimum temperature for sunhemp retting is
Jellies and jams are rarely affected by bacterial action.
Under ___________ system the farmers are forced to sell part of their produce to the Government at the announced prices.
High soil temperature suppresses the weed germination. The heating process is