India's first bullion exchange will sell physical gold and silver. It was announced in the Union Budget 2020 speech. The exchange will open for all jewelers with net worth of Rs 25 crore and above. The registered jewelers will be able to sell and buy gold and silver in the exchange after registering as a trading partner. The jewelers based out of India will also be able to transact the precious metals through the exchange after registering with the International Financial Services Centre Association (IFSCA). Please answer the questions from the following information (Q6-Q8) The capital structure of XYZ Ltd is as follows: Equity Share Capital of Rs 10 each: 600000 9% preference shares capital of Rs 10 each 300000 Additional information: Profit after tax (30% tax) = 270000, Depreciation: 50000; Equity Dividend 10%, Market price of equity shares Rs 50.
The foliar cover at the top layer of the crop plants is referred as:
The yellowing of older leaves at the base of a plant typically indicates a deficiency of which nutrient?
What is the diameter of disc blades in Tractor drawn standard disc plough?
Which of the following is not correct about zero tillage?
Entomology is the science which deals with ___
Under a single cropping pattern, it is normally recommended to consider __hp of tractor for every___ hectares of land.
Proboscis in the mouthparts of the butterfly is formed from ____
Which chemical is used in seed treatment to protect maize seeds from shoot fly?
Sand percentage in sandy soil is ___
Father of zero tillage is