MSMEs play a vital role in global economic stability and development. According to the United Nations, MSMEs contribute to 50% of the global GDP. They are recognized for being the backbone of economies worldwide, representing 90% of businesses and generating 60-70% of employment globally. This data underscores the importance of MSMEs not only as economic entities but also as drivers of inclusive and sustainable development, particularly in empowering vulnerable sections like women, youth, and the working poor.
Amount of water transpired by the crop to produce unit amount of dry matter is called _____
In animal cell the reserve food is stored in the form of _____
A chicken that is raised specially for meat production?
In tea, which one of the following insecticides does not cause resurgence of pink mite.
Agmark standards do not cover quality guidelines for which of the following commodities
The total amount received from the product sales is:
Whether use of Iodized Salt is mandatory in standardized products, which specify the use of Edible Common Salt?
"Sagar Parikrama" is a transformative journey planned across the coastal belt to show solidarity with the fisher folk, fish farmers, and related stakeho...
Harvesting time of Boro and Aus rice is carried out during
What is the minimum age eligibility criteria to be nominated for Nari Shakti Purskar