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Explanation: Ethical supplier relations involve treating suppliers fairly, avoiding exploitation, promoting ethical sourcing practices, and encouraging responsible business conduct throughout the supply chain.
Which of the following does not act as antitranspirants in the plants?
Which is the largest fruit producing district in Bihar?
The desirable depth of ploughing for shallow rooted crops is ............................ cm?
The most abundant mineral nutrient in plant is
What is the enzyme responsible for carboxylation in C₄ plants?
The systematic is the study of:
Iron is absorbed by plants in which of the following forms?
(a) Fe2+
(b) Fe4+
(c) Fe
(d) Fe3+
What is the name of the improved variety of the national flower Lotus with 108 petals, launched by CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute?
Sorghum crop is commonly attacked by:
A. Sorghum stem bour
B. White Ants (Termite)
C. Wheat Armyworm
D. Sorghum shoot fl...
Adaptation of a product refers to .................?