When we add more stocks to a portfolio, unsystematic risk will decrease at a decreasing rate. However, the portfolio’s systematic risk can be increased by adding higher-risk stocks or decreased by adding lower-risky stocks.
A computer system that is old and perhaps not satisfactory is referred to as a(n)
A computer ________ is a malicious code which self-replicates by copying itself to other programs
A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called a/an
An AND gate
Which of the following is not application software?
In an operating system, which component is responsible for managing memory and allocating resources to different processes?
The primary function of the ............ is to set up the hardware and load and start an operating system
The layer which is used for routing data between networks in the OSI model is ?
What are the main functions of system utilities?
The operating system determines a manner in which all the following occur except