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The process of delegation enables a person to assign work task to his subordinate and give them necessary authority to accomplish it successfully. Some of the principles of delegation are:- · Principle of Unity of Command · Principle of Parity of Authority and Responsibility · Principle of Absoluteness of Responsibility · Principle of Delegation by Results · Principle of Limitations of Authority · Principle of Effective Communication · Principle of Proper Motivation · Principle of Clear Chain of Command · Principle of Competence · Delegation should be Need Based Discussed in live classes many times
The average age of the husband, wife, and their child 4 years ago was 24 years and that of the husband and the child 5 years ago was 19 years. The pres...
Three years ago, Ritu was twice as old as Rajni, and currently, the total of their ages is 36 years. What will Ritu's age be four years from now?
A 15-member group has two individuals aged 18 and 23. When excluded, the average age of the rest increases by 3 years. Find the average age of all members.
The ratio of the present ages of P and Q is 7:5 respectively. If the age of P 10 years hence from now will be 100% more than the age of Q 4 years ago fr...
Seven years ago, 'R' and 'C' had ages in a ratio of 4:3, respectively. After seventeen years, the ratio of 'C' and 'R's ages will be 9:10, respectively....
Seema’s present age is 1(1/2) times of her marriage. She married 12 years ago. Now she has a daughter whose age is 2 more than one third of her ag...
Rohan's present age is 3/7 times the age of his mother. After four years, he will be one- half of the age of his mother. How old is his mother at present?
Novita's current age is 37.5% greater than Suzuka's, with a difference of 15 years between their ages. Calculate the ratio of Novita's age to Suzuka's a...
The ratio of the present ages of Ginni and Binni is 9:2 respectively. Ginni is ‘n’ years older than Binni. If after 5 years, the ratio of the ages o...
Pintu' is father of 'Qasim'. '2x' years ago from now, the age of 'Pintu' was four times the age of 'Qasim'. While, '2x' years hence from now, age of 'Pi...