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Value-at-risk (VaR) is a summary statistic that quantifies the potential loss of a portfolio. It is a method of measuring the loss in the value of the portfolio over a given period and for a distribution of historic return VAR statistic has three components - a relatively high level of confidence (typically either 95% or 99%), a time period (a day, a month or a year) and an estimate of investment loss (expressed either in absolute or percentage terms). However, at a 99% confidence level what VAR really means is that in 1% of cases (that would be 2-3 trading days in a year with daily VAR) the loss is expected to be greater than the VAR amount.
What is S’s profession?
How many boxes are kept between the vacant shelf and Box F?
Who lives immediate below J?
How many persons are there between X and U?
Seven persons R, S, T, U, V, W and X, live in a seven-storey building, but not necessarily in the same order. S lives two floors above X. X lives on an ...
Who among the following lives immediately below H’s floor?
How many persons live between Amisha’s floor and Esha’s floor?
Who among the following likes Titan?
Who belongs to America?
Who among the following get highest annual salary?