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Capital Adequacy was the principal message of the Basel II framework. Under ICAAP requirements a bank needs to have in place internal procedures and processes to ensure that it possesses adequate capital resources in the long term to cover all of its material risks. ICAAP document is required to clearly demarcate the quantifiable and qualitatively assessed risks. The ICAAP is also required to include stress tests and scenario analyses, to be conducted periodically, particularly in respect of the bank's material risk exposures, in order to evaluate the potential vulnerability of the bank to some unlikely but plausible events or movements in the market conditions that could have an adverse impact on the bank's capital.
Under the Bharatmala Pariyojna , an MoU has been signed for swift development of modern Multi Modal Logistics Park (MMLP ) between?
In which state of India does the 'Weinia Falls' lie?
At which session of Congress was the proposal ‘Poorna Swaraj’ passed?
Consider the following statement about “Civil Disobedience Movement”.
i. Gandhi launched the Civil Disobedience move...
Stand-Up India Scheme facilitates bank loans between _____.
What was the rank of India in the 'Henley Passport Index-2023' released in January- 2023?
In 2016, who partnered with ISRO to use space technology for 'predictive policing'?
The main function of centriole is:
What is the speed of objects relative to the straight line?
Karakoram, a mountain range, is of great geopolitical significance as:
1. It connects India and China
2. It serves as a watershed for...