In derivatives market, individual/firm that take short and long positions in the same or different contracts at the same time to create a position which can generate a riskless profit are known as __________
Derivative market has 3 broad categories of participants: · HEDGERS: These are investors with a present or anticipated exposure to the underlying asset which is subject to price risks. Hedgers use the derivatives markets primarily for price risk management of assets and portfolios. · SPECULATORS: These are individuals who take a view on the future direction of the markets. They take a view whether prices would rise or fall in future and accordingly buy or sell futures and options to try and make a profit from the future price movements of the underlying asset. · ARBITRAGEURS: They take positions in financial markets to earn riskless profits. The arbitrageurs take short and long positions in the same or different contracts at the same time to create a position which can generate a riskless profit.
Some pens are sharpeners
All sharpeners are erasers
No eraser is ink
Some inks are pencil
Only a few Reebok are Nike
Only Reebok is puma
No Nike is Levis
I) Some pumas are not levis
In the following question below are given some statements followed by some conclusions based on those statements. Taking the given statements to be tru...
All pens are papers.
Some papers are not books.
All books are pencils.
I. Some pencils a...
All bags are polythenes.
Some polythenes are points.
Only a few points are jutes.
No jute is pl...
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varianc...
Statement: All fruits are vegetables
Some vegetables are potatoes
Statements: No pen is a pencil.
All pencil are book.
Conclusions: I. Some bo...
Only Girls are boy
Some girls are men
No men is women
I. Some boy is women
II. Some...
Statements: All mouse are keyboard.
Some keyboard are speaker.
No monitor is spe...