The risk weights are assigned as per the credit, market and operational risk associated with an asset. Investment in Government bonds/securities carries low risk. The risk weight assigned to them as per RBI is 2.5%. While the loans guaranteed by Government of India or State government carries 0% risk. Housing loans carry 50-100% risk weight while retail or personal loans carry 100-125% risk weight.
Which content in potassic fertilizers required for grade?
Which of the following is considered as power house of the cell?
Which one among the following is a legumenous fodder:
The type of germination observed in pigeon pea is____
Which of the following is not a measure of dispersion?
3PL stands for.......................?
Commodity market deals with
There is true alternation of generation shown by cnidarians called as
Major groundnut producing state in India is:
Arhar (pigeonpea) is commonly known as