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The various Basel III liquidity returns to be submitted by banks to monitor their resilience to potential liquidity disruptions under stress scenarios are:
Sr. No.
Name of the Basel III Liquidity Return (BLR)
Frequency of Submission
Submission Deadline
1 Statement on Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)- BLR-1
within 15 days
2 Statement of Funding Concentration - BLR-2
within 15 days
3 Statement of Available Unencumbered Assets - BLR-3
within 21 days
4 LCR by Significant Currency - BLR-4
within 15 days
5 Statement on Other Information on Liquidity - BLR-5
within 15 days
6, 20, 63, 193, ?, 1758
5, 18, 39, ?, 105, 150
7 29 61 ? 211 349
...5, 19, 30, 43, 58, ?
66, 91, 141, ?, 316, 441
32, 64, 144, ?, 990, 2970
38% of 18/225 of 31/19 of 15225 =?
64, 32, 48, 120, 420, ?
8 12 39 ? 180 216
...3.6 × 1.5 + 8.4 × 2.5 – 9.2 × 3.5 = ? – 9.2 × 4.4