Interest subvention and prompt repayment incentive benefits on short term crop loans and short term loans for allied activities will be available on an overall limit of ₹3 lakh per annum subject to a maximum sub-limit of ₹2 lakh per farmer in respect of those farmers involved only in activities related to animal husbandry, dairy, fisheries, beekeeping, etc. In order to discourage distress sales by farmers and to encourage them to store their produce in warehouses, the benefit of interest subvention under KCC will be available to small and marginal farmers for a further period of up to six months post the harvest of the crop against negotiable warehouse receipts on the produce stored in warehouses accredited with Warehousing Development Regulatory Authority (WDRA), at the same rate as applicable to the Agri. loan
How do you approach teamwork or collaboration?
When you have a problem, what is your first instinct?
When it comes to time management, how do you typically approach your tasks?
How do you typically respond to failure or setbacks?
How do you prefer to receive instructions?
How important is it for you to have a routine or schedule?
How do you respond to unexpected changes or challenges?
How do you approach working in a team environment?
Are you more analytical or creative?
How important is it for you to have a sense of purpose or meaning in your life?