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Liquidity Risk arises when a bank is unable to meet a financial commitment . This may arise due to variety of reasons. The entity may not be able to raise resources at reasonable cost. This may also arise when a bank is not able to exit an investment due to non availability of counter party in the market resulting in impacting the liquidity of the bank in meeting its commitments.
What is GIFT city and what are its objectives?
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY) is one of the major Schemes of Government of India to protect the interest of the Senior citizens. What is t...
According to the Working Capital Management concept, the operating cycle is calculated using which of the following formulas?
...What is the target of lending for domestic banks, as a % of their ANBC,under Priority sector lending for micro-enterprises?
As per loan review framework of RBI, loan review of high value accounts are usually carried out __________
Book-keeping is mainly concerned with?
What category did India achieve in the FATF Mutual Evaluation?
For identification and measurement of operational risk, how many loss events have been identified?
What is the allocated amount for skill development, employment, and education to support MSME growth in India as per Union Budget 2024-25?
Consider the following statements:
1.The Unified Payment Interface (UPI) led by the National Payments Corporation of India International (NPCIL) ...