"Over-the-counter" can be used to refer to stocks that trade via a dealer network as opposed to on a centralized exchange (like NSE, MCX, etc.). Certain securities (like unlisted shares) and derivatives (like forwards contracts) are traded by broker-dealers who negotiate directly with one another. Unlike Futures and Options contract which are traded on exchange involving a clearing corporation between Buyer and seller, Swaps & Forward Contracts are traded OTC.
Appending value to list in python
Which component in a V-shaped software development model corresponds to the testing phase?
In a network, which protocol is used to determine the MAC address corresponding to a given IP address?
Purpose of Scope resolution operator
Which of the following code snippets correctly implements a singly linked list in Java, including the ability to insert a new node at the beginning?...
The first line in any shell script begins with a _____
Identify the OSI layer responsible for end to end transmission
Which is/are Keyword in C++
Which of the following is the most effective method for ensuring that an organization complies with security and privacy regulations such as GDPR or HIP...
Which of the following is the correct CIDR notation for a network with a subnet mask of