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The Basel III capital regulations continue to be based on three-mutually reinforcing Pillars, viz. minimum capital requirements, supervisory review of capital adequacy, and market discipline of the Basel II capital adequacy framework. Under Pillar 1, the Basel III framework will continue to offer the three distinct options for computing capital requirement for credit risk and three other options for computing capital requirement for operational risk, albeit with certain modifications /enhancements. These options for credit and operational risks are based on increasing risk
Who among the following lives on top most floor?
Who among the following is senior to SI and junior to ASP?
Eight persons, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, live on different floor of an eight-storey building such that bottommost floor is numbered as 1 st and topmost...
Who among the following person lives on the bottommost floor?
Who among the following person gets into the lift on floor number two?
Who among the following person likes Black?
Which of the following income does Esha have
Which of the following statement is true?
___ and ___ don't live in same type of flat.
Which of the following is true?