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Credit risk can be mitigated by proper credit appraisal and underwriting systems, proper and regular monitoring Business Continuity planning is a key pre-requisite for minimising the adverse effects of one of the important areas of operational risk – business disruption and system failures. It would include steps like identifying critical businesses, having a crisis management team and plan, incident management teams, work area recovery, disaster recovery, etc. Asset liability management is a tool to mitigate liquidity risk ; proper bucketing of all the assets and liabilities into the RBI defined time periods helps to analyse the time difference in inflows and outflows related to a bank, which helps it to accordingly take decisions to manage the liquidity risk. Market risk can be mitigated by hedging which helps in reducing the risk of adverse price movements in an asset. Normally, a hedge consists of taking an offsetting position in a related security, such as a futures contract, so that the impact of the price movement is nullified (or reduced) on the overall trade.
Alibi means ______________
Which Act was replaced by the RTI Act?
What is the maximum default sentence that can be awarded in case of non payment of compensation under Section 358 CrPC?
The doctrine of vicarious liability is applied when there is relationship between
As per the Constitution of India there can be a_______________
A continuing guarantee may at any time be revoked by the surety_____________
As per IPC when is house breaking by night considered to be committed?
Which section of the Information Technology Act, 2000 dals with penalty for breach of confidentiality and privacy?
Who can issue a search warrant to search a Post Office?
Tort has been derived from the word_______.