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Duration (Macaulay duration) measures the price volatility of fixed income securities. It is often used in the comparison of the interest rate risk between securities with different coupons and different maturities. It is the weighted average of the present value of all the cash flows associated with a fixed income security. It is expressed in years. The duration of a fixed income security is always shorter than its term to maturity, except in the case of zero coupon securities where they are the same
Who coined the word 'Cell' ?
When plant cells are placed in hypertonic solution, they become____
A farm on which 50% or more of the receipts are from sugarcane would be classified as sugarcane farm, this is an example...
Which among the following method is the sexual method of Propagation?
Sprinkler irrigation can be followed under ____
The process of removal of undesirable or non-productive animals from herd is called……………………
The medicinal plant known as “second shilajeet” is:
The brix value in sugarcane juice gives an estimate of:
Which state has the highest share of Cotton production in terms of area?
Inflorescence of soyabean is