Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) is aimed to ensure short term liquidity of a bank Here, banks must have high quality liquid assets (HQLA) to survive an acute stress scenario lasting for 30 days LCR should be 100% or more
If 'ABACUS' is coded as 'CEEARO’, how will ‘EFFORT’ be coded as in the same code?
In a certain code language CELCIUS is written as TTJCMDD. How will the word CHINESE be written in that code language?
What is the code for “change” in the given code language?
What will be the code of ‘we’?
In a certain code ‘open the door’ is written as ‘ka te jo’, ‘door is closed’ is written as ‘jo pa ma’ an...
“kd” is coded for which of the following?
What is the code for ‘under recruited’?
What is the code for ‘ Love ’ in the given code language?
If 'DECIMAL' is coded as 15 and 'JUICE' as 35, then what is the code number for the word 'SUPREME'?
What may be the possible code for “both house” in the given code language?