Applications Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) is a method developed by SEBI to block the funds for Initial Public Offer (IPO), Rights issue, Follow-on Public Offer (FPO) etc., applications. In ASBA, an IPO applicant's bank account doesn't get debited until they receive the allotment of shares
98, 128, 162, 200, 244, 288
Find the wrong number in given number series.
2556, 2613, 2734, 2841, 3012, 3221
95, 139, 191, 251, 319, 380
845, 854, 879, 920, 1049, 1218
24, (24 + 2p), (24 + 4p), (24 + 6p), (24 + 8p), (24 + 10p)
There are two wrong number series given in question and three relationships has been derived from that you have to answer the correct relationship betwe...
420 342 272 212 156 110
...4 6 12 30 90 310
...12, 18, 14, 17, 16, 15, 18, 15
3, 15, 35, 63, 99, 143