Liquidity Risk arises when a bank is unable to meet a financial commitment. This may arise due to variety of reasons. The entity may not be able to raise resources at reasonable cost. This may also arise when a bank is not able to exit an investment due to non-availability of counter party in the market resulting in impacting the liquidity of the bank in meeting its commitments.
Which of the following is not an auxin:
The four principles of organic farming do not include
A region with black soil experiences warm climate, while a neighboring region with red soil has comparatively cooler conditions. The reason th...
Which method is most suitable for polygenic traits?
Among these fruit crops, the richest source of Fe is
Glyoxylate cycle occurs in
Short term credit is usually for a period of ranging up to:
The division of nucleus is known as:
Awn character in rice (awn & awnless) is an example of ____
Katte disease of cardamom is transmitted by which insect?