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An effective system of internal control for interest rate risk includes: A. strong control environment B. An adequate process for identifying and evaluating risk C. The establishment of control activities such as policies procedures and methodologies D. Continual review of adherence to established policies and procedures Policies can be reviewed on regular intervals but cannot be changing all the time.
A shopkeeper purchases 140 kg of sugar at Rs. 55 per kg. He sells a portion of it at a 20% profit and the remaining at a 10% loss. If his total profit i...
If a vendor sells a coconut at Rs 14.4 he makes 10% loss. If he wants to make 25% profit, then at what price (in Rs) should he sell?
Cost price of an article is Rs X and marked price is 400% more than cost price. To gain profit of 100%, what percent of discount should be offered on th...
A shopkeeper bought an article for Rs. 18,000. He marked the article x% above the cost price and sold it after two consecutive discounts of 10% and 25%....
Raghav sold two items, 'A' and 'B', each for Rs. 2,000. He incurred a 20% loss on item 'A' and earned a 25% profit on item 'B'. Calculate the approximat...
Find a single discount percentage equivalent to successive discounts of 20%, 30%, and 35% ?
The first shirt is sold at twice the selling price of the second shirt. The first shirt is sold at 8% profit and the second shirt is sold at a 3% loss. ...
A man purchases some number of apples at the rate of 36 apple for Rs. 1. How many for a rupee did he sell to gain 12.5%.
An item is priced 40% above its cost price. It's sold for Rs. 2268, after applying a discount of x%, and this sale results in a 12% profit. Determine th...
Arvind and Jagdish start a business together. The capital invested by Arvind was twice of that invested by Jagdish. At the end of six months from the st...