A subscriber of Atal Pension Yojana can opt to decrease or increase pension amount during the course of accumulation phase, once a financial year. · For upgradation , the subscribers have to pay the differential amount of contribution at the rate of 8% p.a. on monthly compounding basis · In the case of down gradation , the excess amount of contribution collected from the subscriber would be refunded to the subscribers along with the returns generated. For upgradation or down gradation, other than error cases, the subscribers would be required to pay a fee of Rs. 50, which will be shared equally by PoP-APYSP and CRA.
A form of reinsurance that indemnifies the ceding company for the accumulation of losses in excess of a stipulated sum arising from a single catastroph...
What is the role of a surveyor in the claims process?
Which of the following is a public sector general insurance company in India?
A policy that covers loss or damage to a shopkeeper's property and business interruption is:
A policy that covers the cost of repairing or replacing damaged boilers and pressure vessels is:
What is the purpose of "excess" in an insurance policy?
A seller’s market in which insurance is expensive and in short supply is termed as?
The Payment to the policyholder at the end of the stipulated term of the policy is called?
What are the assumptions about rates of investment earnings, mortality, turnover and distribution or actual ages at which employees are likely to retire?
Which of the following company is not a foreign insurance company?