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The Mission seeks to address the housing requirement of urban poor including slum dwellers through following programme verticals: Slum rehabilitation of Slum Dwellers with participation of private developers using land as a resource. Promotion of Affordable Housing for weaker sections through credit linked subsidy. Affordable Housing in Partnership with Public & Private sectors. Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction /enhancement.
The total number of members nominated by the President to the Rajya Sabha is
When a fact is said to be “Not proved” as per Indian Evidence Act?
The Chief Election Commissioner can be removed on the ground of:
Which section of the Central Vigilance Commission Act deals with the provisions related to the annual report?
Certificate for appeal to the Supreme Court is made by High Court as per Art.______ of the Constitution.
'la principle de legalite' means:
In which article of Indian constitution the legal maxim Nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadem causa has been added?
Austin has propounded the theory of?
According to the IBC who shall constitute the committee of creditors?
“On whom does the burden of proof lie”. This is discussed in Section ……. Of Indian Evidence Act