After detailed deliberations on legal, procedural and technical aspects of the issue, Finance minister asked the Reserve Bank of India to prepare a whitelist of all the legal apps, and the ministry of electronics and information technology would ensure that only the white-listed apps are hosted on app stores.
180 ÷ 3 of 2 = 102 – ?
654.056 + 28.9015 × 44.851 – 43.129 = ?
√ (573 – 819 + 775) = ? ÷ 3
[1.45 X 1.45 X 1.45 + 0.55 X 0.55 X 0.55 + 4.785] = ?
(286 ÷ 11 + 14) × 5 = 40 + 25% of ?
14 × 11 + 25 – ? = 21% of 300
(3984 ÷ 24) x (5862 ÷ 40) = ?
20% of 10% of 900 + 84/12 = ?2
30, 39, 66, ? , 174, 255