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TReDS is an institutional mechanism set up to facilitate the discounting of invoices for MSMEs from corporate buyers through multiple financiers.
Which of the following statement is correct about Rouging?
The World Trade Organization helps in facilitating this trade by providing a framework for negotiating the various trade agreements. Its headquarter is ...
Fanging is related to
Heterophylly can be seen in
The factor for conversion of ppm to kg/ha is:
What is the ideal size of flash card preferred for a small group of 10-25 people?
Which centre has been declared as Global centre for Excellence on Millets/Shree Anna?
How much is the target given by RBI to banks to lend credit to small and marginal farmers for FY 2023-24?
Which is the first step involved in the implementation of the supply chain management system?
According to Lindeman’s law how much energy is lost while transfer from one to next trophic level ?