The tenor of the Takeout Amount with IIFCL should not exceed 85% of the economic life of the project. In case of PPP projects approved by PPPAC/EC/EI which have provision of compulsory buyback by the authority on termination, IIFCL can remain as sole lender after other lenders are paid out. In case of non- PPP Electricity generation projects having long term power purchase agreements with state utilities for majority of its capacity, IIFCL can remain as sole lender after other lenders are paid out; however, the tenor of IIFCL Takeout should not exceed 85% of the economic life of the project. In case of such non –PPP projects where IIFCL offers takeout of tenor longer than tenor of existing lenders, IIFCL‟s risks be covered by seeking guarantees from the holding company or any other form of recourse.
The island which is unhabituated and has a bird sanctuary in India is ______.
Where is the Shompen tribe primarily located?
Which of the following abolished the '36 Rakam 32 kalam' tax system?
When is National Sports Day celebrated every year in India?
Which state has declared to achieved 100% Open Defecation Free (ODF) plus status in September 2023?
Consider the following pairs:
Who is the author of the book "Mundak Upanishad: The Bridge to Immortality," which was recently released by the Vice President?
In which country will the largest statue of Dr. BR Ambedkar be unveiled outside India?
The Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority of India has granted a certificate of registration to Go Digit Life Insurance to start business in Indi...
In which event did Emma McKeon win her final Olympic gold medal at Paris 2024?