To enhance the productivity of extra-long staple cotton, we will adopt a cluster-based and value chain approach through Public Private Partnerships (PPP). This will mean collaboration between farmers, state and industry for input supplies, extension services, and market linkages. Atmanirbhar Horticulture Clean Plant Program We will launch an Atmanirbhar Clean Plant Program to boost availability of disease-free, quality planting material for high value horticultural crops at an outlay of 200 crore.
How many official languages are recognized by the Indian Constitution?
Article 243-I of the Constitution mandates setting up of the State Finance Commission (SFC) every _________ years.
Which writ is issued by the Court to direct a public authority to perform the legal duties which it has not or refused to perform?
According to Article 22 of the Indian constitution, what is the maximum duration for which someone can be detained under preventive detention without t...
For how many days can the Rajya Sabha delay a Money Bill after it is passed by the Lok Sabha?
The minimum period permissible between two sessions of Parliaments is
Under which article of the Indian Constitution is the Consolidated Fund of India created?
Which of the following amendments to the Indian Constitution is known as the 'Mini-Constitution'?
Which of the following indices is not considered while calculating Human Development Index (HDI)?
Article 360 of the Indian Constitution deals with what?