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Mumbai is not a major gold trading center. The major gold trading centers are New York, London, and Shanghai. London is the largest gold trading center in the world, followed by New York and Shanghai. The price of gold is largely determined by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), which sets the benchmark price for gold twice daily.
Any condition imposed by a Magistrate when releasing any person on bail
When can a FIR be recorded by a police officer at the residence of complainant?
Oral admissions as to the contents of a document are_____________
Quality Council of India was established in which year?
The Court held that Section 4 of the Specific Relief Act would only be available with regard to civil matters and not to criminal proceedings was held i...
As per Reg 7 of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, which individuals are excluded from the definition of an "employee" for the...
Who prepares a panel of names of persons fit to be appointed as Public Prosecutors or Additional Public Prosecutors?
What is the minimum number of partners required to form a partnership under the Partnership Act?
What are the responsibilities of the bailor regarding faults in the goods bailed as per the Contract Act?
Winding up of an LLP: