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Indian Railways (IR), with over 68,031 route kms, is the fourth largest network in the world. Hence, statement 1 is correct. The fast pace of infrastructure augmentation by IR has been a result of substantial increase in allocation of funds and various steps being taken by the government. The capital expenditure (Capex) on infrastructure in railways has received a tremendous boost since 2014. It has seen a continuous increase in the last four years with Capex of Rs. 2.5 lakh crore in FY23, up by around 29% compared to the previous year. Hence, statement 2 is not correct and 3 is correct.
Four number-pairs are given, out of which three are alike in a certain manner and one is different. Choose the different number-pair.
Four words have been given out of which three are alike in some manner, while one is different. Choose the odd one.
In each of the following questions, a group of four words are given. Choose the word which is odd .
Three out of four words are similar in a way. Find the odd one out.
Four letter-clusters have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner and one is different. Select the letter-cluster that is different.
Three of the following four words are alike in a certain manner and one is different. Select the odd word.
Find the odd one out
Find out odd one out?
Find the one which does not belong to that group?
In the following question, four number pairs are given. In each pair the number on left side of (-) is related to the number of the right side of (-) wi...