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Decriminalisation Section 132 and section 138 of CGST Act are being amended, inter alia, to 1. raise the minimum threshold of tax amount for launching prosecution under GST from Rs1 crore to Rs2 crore, 2. except for the offense of issuance of invoices without supply of goods or services or both; reduce the compounding amount from the present range of 50 percent to 150 percent of tax amount to the range of 25 percent to 100 percent; 3. decriminalize certain offenses specified under clause (g), (j) and (k) of sub-section (1) of section 132 of CGST Act, 2017, viz. ●obstruction or preventing any officer in discharge of his duties; ●deliberate tempering of material evidence; ●failure to supply the information Input Tax Credit for expenditure related to CSR Section 17(5) of CGST Act is being amended to provide that input tax credit shall not be available in respect of goods or services or both received by a taxable person, which are used or intended to be used for activities relating to his obligations under corporate social responsibility referred to in section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013.
A candidate who gets 24% marks fails by 8 marks but another candidate who gets 40% marks gets 12% more than the passing marks. Find the maximum marks.
A girl spent 20% of her monthly income on clothing. Of the remaining, she spent on travel and food in the ratio of 3:2. If the difference of the income ...
In a city, the number of persons travelling by bike is 70% the number of persons travelling by metro. The number of persons travelling on foot is 80% th...
The number of boys and girls in a school is 250 and 300 respectively. 20% of boys left the school while 40 girls took admission in the school. Find the ...
In an exam, Sunil scored 46% marks and failed by 65 marks whereas Anil scored 66% marks in the same exam and scored 45 marks more than the passing marks...
Aman allocated 40% of his monthly income for purchasing newspapers and then spent 52% of the remaining amount on food, saving the rest. If the amount sa...
Anchal allocates 20% of his monthly salary to transportation, dedicates 50% to shopping, and invests 20% of the remaining balance in food expenses. The ...
In a village election between two candidates, the winner secured 70% of the total votes cast and won by a majority of 13000 votes. How many votes did th...
Two candidates are contesting in an election. All votes are valid votes. A candidate who gets 38% of votes is rejected by 28,800 votes. The total numbe...
A man spends 25% of his monthly salary on Rent and 32% on Groceries. He invest remaining monthly salary in the ratio of 11: 5 in Mutual Funds and Fixed ...