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Corporatization is the process of converting the organizational structure of the stock exchange from a non-corporate to a corporate structure. This process converts the stock exchanges into incorporated companies.
the question below some statements are given followed by three conclusions I, II, and III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if the...
All Before are After
All After are Behind
Some Before are Opposite
I. Some After are Oppo...
Only a few animal is wild
All wild is domestic
No bird is wild
I. A few domestic can be bird...
Some bottles are not cans.
All boxes are drawers.
No can is a box.
I. Some boxes are n...
Only Black is Red.
No Black is White.
Some White are Brown.
Some Brown can be Red.
...Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varianc...
Two statements are given followed by two conclusions numbered I & II. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with comm...
Statements: No apple is an orange.
All oranges are grapes.
Some nails are toes.
Some fingers are hands.
No hand is a nail.
I. Some fingers are not nails.
II. All nails can be fingers.
Statement :
No ocean is a land.
Some lands are boundaries.
All boundaries are banks.
Conclusion :
I. No ocean i...