Practical expedient for financial assets with low credit risk In line with Ind AS 109, the discussion paper proposes to compute ECL either as 12-month credit losses or lifetime credit losses, depending on whether there has been a SICR. However, under the proposed framework, loss allowances on lease receivables and contractual guarantees would always be measured at lifetime ECL.
………………………………… is the Oxygen carrier in the N Fixation in the nodules and it also protects N Fixing enzyme.
...In which variety of cauliflower seed production is not possible in north-Indian plains?
Which one of the following Law used to explains the proportion of 3:1 obtained at F2?
Which of the following weed causes Dropsy disease in humans?
Vector of phyllody disease in sesame is
Which process converts cotton fibres into yarn by adding twist?
Seedless fruits can occur when the ovary develops directly without fertilization or when pollination and fertilization trigger ovary development, but th...
Family of sesame is
The acidic soils can be reclaimed by the application of ____
The branch of biology developed to study chromosomes and its application in genetics is known as: