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Definition of significant increase in credit risk and definition of default: Significant Increase in Credit Risk (SICR) For the purpose of determining SICR, RBI has proposed that: • SICR should be assessed at the level of each counterparty which is holding an instrument (under Ind AS 109, the SICR assessment is at an instrument level) • Following exposures/counterparties would be considered to havea SICR: •Stressed exposures classified under a ‘watch-list’ or equivalent classification for stressed exposures •Financial assets, the contractual payments on which are 30 days past due (this is a rebuttable presumption) •Counterparties that are overdue for more than 60 days.
How is J related to H?
Pointing to a boy, Pankaj said: He is grandson of the woman who is mother – in – law of the husband of my mother. How is the boy related to Pankaj?<...
N has only two daughters U and P. P is married to O. O is father of S. U is married to V. B is daughter-in-law of P. How is S related to N?
How is R related to W?
F's brother H, is the grandfather of J's son. How is H related to J if J has no siblings?
Which among the following option(s) is/are definitely true?
If Champak is the father of Bholu, who is the father of Jelly. Radha is Grandmother of Oggy, who is the son of Jaadu. Mitthu is the paternal uncle of Og...
How is V related to P?
Statement: P ≥ Q ≥ R = S > T, U > V = W ≤ R
Conclusion: I. R ≥ U II. U > S