In 2023-24 (FY24), the Reserve Bank of India sold sovereign gold bonds (SGBs) worth 44.3 tonnes, marking the highest-ever response to the instrument since its introduction in November 2015. In terms of value, with SGBs valued at $3.26 billion in FY24, it is expected to save 7-8 per cent of the country’s annual import bill for the precious yellow metal.
Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G live in a seven-floor building. The lowermost floor is numbered as 1, the floor above it is numbered 2, and so on ti...
Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the relationship between the following classes.
Clothes, Shirts, Linen
Clothes = C
Select the number that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
12.24, 48.96, 192.384, ?
Which of the following letter-clusters will replace the question mark (?) in the given series to make it logically complete?
Three of the following letter-clusters are alike in some manner and one is different.
Select the one that is different.
Two dimensions of the same dice are given. What letter will be on the face opposite to the face having the letter D?
Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following sets.
( NOTE : Operations should be perfor...
Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the first term is related to the second term.
Barometer : Atmosphere : :...
What should come in place of ? in the given series based on the English alphabetical order?