India achieved an outstanding outcome in the FATF Mutual Evaluation, placing in the ‘regular follow-up’ category.
In the given figure, which number represents how many such advocates are either actor or doctor, but not both?
If '+' means '÷' , '–' means '+' , '×' means '–' and '÷' means '×', then what will come in place of (?) in the given equation?
8 ÷ 5 –...
If '+' means '–', '–' means '÷', '÷' means '×' and '×' means '+', then what will come in place of the (?) in the following equation?
'A + B' means 'A' is the sister of 'B'.
'A @ B' means 'A' is the wife of 'B'.
'A $ B' means 'A' is the son of 'B'.
'A % B' means ...
In a certain code language, MILLION is written as IMLLOIN. How will HILTON be written as in that code language?
Select the figure that will come next in the following figure-series.
A is the son-in-law of B, whose son is D. D is the brother of C, whose only daughter is E. How is C related to A?
The second number in the given number pairs is obtained by performing certain mathematical operation(s) on the first number. The same operation(s) are f...
Lokesh runs 4 km facing east, takes a left turn and runs for another 3 km. He finally takes a left turn, runs 4 km and stops. Which direction is he faci...