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The Global Liveability Index by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has revealed that Vienna as the most liveable city in the world. The list contains the names of 173 cities around the world that have been ranked based on a number of significant factors, including health care, education, stability, infrastructure and the environment. Five cities from India - Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Chennai, New Delhi and Mumbai - are also in the list based on their performance in various metrics. Austria, has retained its position as the most liveable city in the world. Denmark's Copenhagen, secured the second spot, while Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, ranked third and fourth, respectively. While Canada's Vancouver occupied the fifth spot. The top ten also includes three cities from Canada, two from Switzerland, and two from Asia (one from New Zealand and one from Japan), sharing the tenth position. From India, New Delhi and Mumbai are at 141st position and Chennai at 144th. Ahmedabad and Bengaluru are ranked 147 and 148, respectively, in the EIU list. Damascus in Syria and Tripoli in Libya remained at the bottom of the rankings due to ongoing social unrest, terrorism, and conflict.
6 years ago, the ratio of the ages of Tara and Uma was 5:3. The present age of Sid is 14 years more than half of Uma’s present age. Find the present a...
The current ages of A and B have a ratio of 7:9. Twelve years from now, B will be 12 years older than A. What will be the ratio of their ages in six years?
A lad was asked his age by his friend. The lad said “The number you get when you subtract 25 times my age from twice the square of my age will be thri...
Eight years ago, the ratio of Raman's age to Chaman's age was 4:5. Twelve years from now, this ratio will change to 13:15. Calculate the current average...
7 years ago, Meera’s age was equal to the Heena’s present age. The sum of Meera’s age 10 years from now and Heena’s age 5 years ...
There are 4 children in a family. The average age of the children is 9 years. If the present age of their mother and father is added, the average age of...
In four years, the age ratio of 'X' and 'Y' will be 10:13, respectively. The current average age of 'Y' and 'Z' is 54 years, and the present average age...
The ages of A, B and C together are 54 years. B is twice as old as A and C is 6 years older than A. What is the difference between ages of B and C?
The combined current ages of 'Pawan' and 'Bheem' add up to 36 years. 'Bheem's current age is half of what 'Ram's age will be 6 years from now. If 'Ram's...