Loans repayable on demand from banks are considered short-term borrowings because they are due for repayment at any time upon the bank's request. This contrasts with long-term borrowings like debentures, term loans, long-term finance lease obligations, and corporate bonds, which have fixed repayment schedules extending over several years.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Who among the following one who does not belong to that group?
Which of the following statement is true?
Who among the following sit at extreme ends of the rows?
T, U, V, W and X are standing in a row facing north. W is the immediate neighbour of T and X. U is at the right of X and V is in the extreme right. Who ...
Six persons A, B, C, D E and F are sitting around a circle facing the centre. A sits third to the left of E. B is not an immediate neighbour of A. Only ...
Who sits diagonally opposite to T?
Four of the following were in a certain group, which of the following that does not belong to that group?
Five teachers, L, M, N, O and P, are sitting in a straight line facing towards north. P is between L and O. N is second to the right of O. L is to the i...
How many persons sit between E and the person sits to the immediate right of A?
Which of the following is true regarding Arpit as per the given arrangement?