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Buffer stock’ or ‘strategic stock’ or ‘safety stock’ or ‘buffer inventory’ is defined as a supply of inputs held as a reserve in case there are future demand and supply fluctuations. It is the excess inventory or safety stock, which retains some kind of buffer to protect in case of uncertain future.
Present ages of 'A' and 'B' are in the ratio 3:5, respectively. If B's age, 14 years hence from now will be 2 times of A's age, 8 years ago from now, th...
At the moment, Anuj and Bishnu have ages in the ratio of 3:4, respectively. If Bishnu's current age were 20% higher, the age gap between Anuj and Bishnu...
The present age ratio of Anshul to Pawan is 5:7, and that of Chinky to Diksha is 3:2. A decade ago, the ratio of Anshul’s age t...
7 years ago, Meera’s age was equal to the Heena’s present age. The sum of Meera’s age 10 years from now and Heena’s age 5 years ...
7 years ago, the ratio of the ages of Pia and Qasim was 9:7. The present age of Tom is 20 years more than one-seventh of Qasim’s present age. Find Tom...
At present Meena is eight times her daughter’s age. Eight years from now, the ratio of the ages of Meena and her daughter will be 9 : 2 respective...
The average age of 'p' employees in an office is (p - 8) years. When two managers aged 56 years and 40 years join the office, the average age of all ind...
The age of a father is 4 times that of his son. After 6 years, the father will be 3 times as old as his son. Find the present age of the son.
Presently, the average age of Arun, Alok, and Aditya is 35 years, while the average age of Arun and Alok is 39 years. Determine Aditya's age after ten y...
The current ages of Anita and Sunita are in a ratio of 3:4. If, four years from now, Sunita's age will be 20% greater than her current age, the question...