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Unity of command provides that an employee is responsible to only one supervisor, who in turn is responsible to only one supervisor, and so on up the organizational hierarchy. This is true even if the top of the organization is led by a group of people. For example, imagine you are the CEO of a technology firm in Silicon Valley. While the board of directors of your company governs the policy making and strategic planning, under the concept of unity of command, you do not answer to all members of the board, but only the chairman of the board BASIS UNITY OF COMMAND UNITY OF DIRECTION Meaning Unity of command refers to a principle of management which states that one incumbent should get orders from and report to one boss. Unity of direction is a management principle which implies that all the activities with same objective must have one head and one plan.
The Cheque Truncation System (CTS) in India is first introduced in the year?
The IFSC is an/a _______ digit alphanumeric code.
NHB RESIDEX is the contries first official housing price index. In this reference, clock which is correct?
I. HPI@ mark price is based on actua...
IFRS stands for _______
Which of the following is not a type of ‘Time Deposit’?
India’s first regional rural bank is ___________
Which of the following financial year is followed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) ?
Under which scheme, a saving account can be opened in the name of girl child and deposits can be made for 14 years and the girl is allowed to withdraw 5...
m-Pesa was launched by ICICI Bank and ____________.
Which of the following Bank also owns a linkage Program called SHG’s.