
    A quality management system where Improvement of quality is through small, incremental improvements, this type of quality management system is called?

    A Just-in-time Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Six Sigma Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Total Quality Management Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Kaizen Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Kanban Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Kaizen is an incremental approach to improving quality.  Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning continuous improvement. It's made up of two characters in Japanese: kai, which means 'change,' and Zen, which means 'good.' It's used to describe a company culture where everyone, from the CEO to the front desk clerk, regularly evaluates his or her work and thinks of ways to improve it. The concept is that small steps on a regular basis will lead to large improvements over time. It is continuous improvement based on the idea that small, ongoing positive changes can reap major improvements. Typically, it is based on cooperation and commitment and stands in contrast to approaches that use radical changes or top-down edicts to achieve transformation. Kaizen is core to lean manufacturing, or The Toyota Way . It was developed in the manufacturing sector to lower defects, eliminate waste, boost productivity, encourage worker purpose and accountability, and promote innovation.

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