Money markets deal with instruments that have maturities of less than one year, not more than one year. The markets that deal with instruments of more than 1 year are referred to as the capital markets. Equity market is part of capital markets and deals with raising and trading of share capital of corporates. Debt markets involving long term bonds is also a part of capital markets. Derivatives are instruments that derive value from an underlying asset. Derivative markets deal in derivative instruments like forwards, futures, options and swaps.
Which private sector Insurance Company recently launched the iTerm Prime Insurance plan, which will cater to the need of self-employed individuals with ...
How much cash payment can be made to the beneficiary in India under MTSS?
What is a 'balloon payment'?
For up to how many years can the excess CSR spending be set off against the CSR expenditure of the succeeding financial years?
How much capital formation did India's primary markets facilitate in FY24, according to the Economic Survey 2023-24?
As of March 2024, what was the Money Multiplier (MM) in India as per the Economic Survey 2023-24?
Golden triangle is famous for which of the following producing region of the world?
All expenditure of the Government is incurred from the Consolidated Fund of India can be drawn from the Consolidated Fund without due authorization from...
Which of the following countries collaborates with Z/Yen Partners to produce the Global Financial Centers Index?
Determine the cash flow from investing activities during the year based on the following: Cash flow from operating activities: 180,000 Cash flow from fi...